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4 Digital Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2020

Author: elevateseoperth Posted On: February 19, 2020


Digital marketing consists of a number of essential parts such as marketing automation, social media, SEO, PPC, etc. With the advancement of technology, the landscape of digital marketing is continuously changing. To make the new marketing strategy, it is important for a digital marketing company to follow the recent trends. Here are 4 digital marketing trends to watch out for in 2020.

Artificial Intelligence

Most of the companies and industries start waking up to the dominance of AI. Artificial Intelligence or AI is one of the biggest commercial opportunities for the industries, companies as well as nations. AI has a number of potential applications and strategies in the field of digital marketing. Artificial Intelligence can easily predict the behaviour of customers and also it identifies all valuable leads. It always helps you to understand the audience better. An automated Marketing technique can save your time as wells as money. In 2020, many digital marketing companies will start adopting Artificial Intelligence to accelerate their growth.

Voice Search

Voice search takes the user experience to another level. Definitely, it is another big trend in digital marketing. It can always play a vital role to give the relevant information that you are searching for. The increasing demand for this trend has made it highly essential for digital marketers and industries to rebuild their marketing strategies. Voice search always helps to optimise a site. According to the research, 50% of quarries and searches will be voice-based. Voice search increases the website traffic and also improve customer engagement.

Content Marketing

Most of the people are searching for online interactive content. Content marketing will definitely shift the focus to increase brand visibility. As compared to paid search, this trend has low up-front costs but long-term benefits. Content marketing always helps to build credibility and authority. It also makes a good relationship with the audience. Good content can create trust & loyalty with your new and existing customers. Due to these reasons, it is one of the digital marketing trends of 2020.

Video Marketing

A good video can boost conversion rates. Video marketing will definitely make up the consumer internet traffic up to 85% by 2020. Nowadays, people want video content which is more informative and entertaining. Good videos can build credibility & trust. According to the research video marketing will enhance the conversion rate up to 80%. People believe that video is a great way to understand the business & product.

So, these are 2020’s top digital marketing trends. These trends will surely help digital marketers and take marketing strategies at the next level.


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